the drum programs are developed by and for young people. Through a process of co-design, young people are creating, delivering and evaluation programs. We use a public health approach to build on the protective factors and respond to ‘risks’ at three levels; promotion and prevention, early intervention and intensive intervention and support. Within this model we work with young people to deliver programs and activities that are intentional, evidence based and seek to create positive youth development opportunities.
Honouring our ethical and moral obligation to build and transform the communities we work within, the drum’s activities provide capacity building opportunities and affirmative employment pathways. These important opportunities enable young people to influence the worlds around them. These leadership opportunities also has the additional benefit of providing positive role models to communities experiencing systemic discrimination and forms of oppression.
Our promotion and prevention activities delivered with our partners the drum to engage all young people in our community. These currently include:
- Our youth peer leader program
- Voicefest (with FREEZA funding from the Victorian Government)
- Carlton Youth Advisory Group (CYA)
- Student placements
- Volunteering opportunities
Other ways that the drum actively engages in community, is through our participation in events such as:
- Harmony Day on the Carlton Public Housing Estate
- Pride March
- Celebrating International Day Against Transphobia and Homophobia (IDAHOT)
- Family Fun Days
These programs and activities aim to engage all young people. They seek to foster a sense of connection between young people and their community, including services.
the drum delivers early intervention initiatives build protective factors by creating opportunities for young people to connect with each other and with supports. Examples of how we are currently doing this include:
- The Underground (All Guy’z and All Girl’z )
- Friday night jam
- Holiday program
- Homework club
- Primary to secondary school transition program
- Excursions with international students
- Queerspace Youth
- (in)Visible ( with funding from the Victorian Multicultural Commission)
Complementing our engagement activities are our more targeted initiatives. These activities are focused on assertively engaging particular young people. In the last twelve months this has included:
- Reward Fast Forward Kicking Goals Program (a crime prevention initiative)
- Gender Diverse Holiday Pilot Program (initially a pilot, now embedded in our wider program)
These activities help to build pathways into therapeutic individual support (such as counselling and case work) for young people that might not otherwise seek assistance. They help the drum create positive relationships with young people so they can seek out supportive adults should they need to.
the drum supports young people in lots of different ways. Whether it’s helping a young person who is having a tough time at school or home, for whatever reason. We try to be flexible and creative to the needs of young people. This can mean providing practical support to do things like return to school, find a job, navigate homelessness and housing service, overcoming other barriers like mental illness, finding a friendly GP or dealing with fines or criminal charges.
We also offer counselling– which involves creating a safe, supportive space for young people to work through those things in their heads and hearts that may be concerning them. the drum can help young people with worries about their feelings, friends or families. Or we can discuss and support young people with their experiences of bullying, gender, sexuality, body image, family violence and family conflict in the family.
As we are part of a community-based family mental health support agency, the drum draws upon this expertise. We can support young people to access to family and relationship counsellors, mental health supports and psychologists. We work within and for families (in all shapes, sizes and types. We know that doing this is critical to young people being able to achieve their long-term goals and aspirations.