the drum acknowledges and thanks all our funder’s & community partners for their support
the drum is thankful for the ongoing support of the City of Melbourne. As of July 1st, 2018 we are funded by the City of Melbourne to be the youth service provider across the wider municipality. This is seeing our our service grow to include young people (aged 12-25 yrs) connected to North Melbourne and Kensington, the CBD. This grows our service from focusing on supporting young people who live, work, study and play in Carlton/Parkville, which we’ve been funded to do since July 2009.
We believe our tender to deliver a City of Melbourne wide municipal youth service was successful because of our innovative and inclusive approach that uses co-design. The co-design model reflects our commitment to young people through affirmative employment and ensuring young people have direct input in to services and activities. We look forward to strengthening our connection to the community and responding to the needs of young people and their communities.
The drum, with the support of the City of Yarra, in partnership with Youth Services, has extended our Youth Peer Leaders program, including the delivery of programs, events and activities for young people (8-21 yrs) living in Collingwood and Richmond towers/estates.
Another funding source is the Victorian Multicultural Commission. This funds the drum’s (in)visible program which connects young queer and trans people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds through community workshops and events. (in)visible connects young queer and trans people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds through community workshops and events. It is by and for young queer and transgender people of color (QTIPOC). (in)visible recognizes that for QTIPOC young people, their well-being is explicitly inter-sectional. Encompassing religious, cultural or ethnically diverse and their gender and/or sexual identity.
The living intersections is a vital ‘add on’ to the (in)visible project. Funded by Hey Grants is providing resources to the (in)visible team to respond to the identified the lack of information and support specific to the experience of young people with multiple, intersecting identities (QTIPOC). This funding is allowing the team to develop an information resource for young QTIPOC, as well as other sectors.
In 2018 the team received funding by the Victorian State Government’s Engage program to deliver ‘Only in the Fam’ (OITF) over 3 years. OITF is by and for young people who reside in public housing in Carlton and Parkville. Its particular focus is young people of colour and/or First Nations young people. It will speak to young people’s creativity, often being the first in their family, to navigate things that others might not have. It recognises that young people are excited by and through positive peer learning, including how to make their way through challenging times and spaces to realise their hopes. OITF will be in partnership with a First Nations Controlled organisation.
Only in the Fam centres the unique knowledge of young people and their respective communities through co-design processes that are central to the design and delivery of programming to:
- Increase knowledge, skills and pathways to education, employment, training and belonging:
- Increase their and their peers sense of belonging across and within marginalised community groups: and
- Enhance and build cross-generational community conversations.
Last but definitely not least, the drum deliver’s VoiceFest as part of the Victorian Government’s FReeZA initiative. The FReeZA funding is dedicated to support for young Victorians to get involved in their community by planning and running drug, smoke and alcohol-free music and cultural events for other young people. VoiceFest provides creative space for diverse young people in the City Of Melbourne. VoiceFest offer a range of youth-led events that range from: music, sports, culture, word, and visual arts.
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